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Site Terms And Conditions

Welcome to RESET NETWORKS OPC PRIVATE LIMITED. As a streaming platform, RESET is primarily concerned with providing great services to you, the user. unless otherwise noted, use of RESET services is restricted to users in good standing. if you are not already a member, please sign up now and start enjoying the benefits of our platform.

as an incorporated private limited entity, the objectives are:

  • to provide members with a music exchange platform, which enables the promotion, distribution, sale, and/or exchange of music-related products and services.

  • to undertake all activities related to the development and maintenance of the above.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

The following terms and conditions, together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference, (collectively these “terms of use”), govern specific conduct related to the use the RESET (“RESET”, “we”, “our”) website/platform.

By signing up or otherwise using the RESET services, websites, and software applications, or accessing any content or material that is made available by RESET through the service, you agree to abide by the following terms of use.

In addition, by registering for an account you represent and warrant that you are (1) are the age of majority in the jurisdiction you are residing at or, (2) are over the age of 13 and have the express permission of a legal guardian to obtain an account and to use services in connection with the account.

Registration: you agree to (a) only provide accurate and current information, (b) maintain the security of passwords and identification, (c) promptly update the email address listed in connection with the account to keep it accurate so we can contact you, incase the need arises, and (d) be fully responsible for all uses of the account. You must not set up an account on behalf of another individual or entity unless you are authorized to do so.

Service Limitations and Modifications:

Since RESET STREAMING PLATFORM is still in beta, we reserve the right at any time and for any reason to suspend or discontinue the access to our site or the streaming platform temporarily or permanently. however, we do commit to provide reasonable notification to all registered site users when prolonged shutdown is necessary.

RESET reserves the right to change the features of the site or its streaming platform of any type of account at any time. all such substantial changes will be a part of a collective decision.

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